Tuesday 15 December 2009

Health & Safety in The Studio.

A studio is full of hazards if the correct precautions are not taken, however, even with every precaution taken, there are still risks. Some of the risks that can be avoided are as follows; Camera cables strung out across the studio could prove hazardous in that they could either, cause a crew member to fall, possibly resulting in damaged equipment alongside they themselves getting damaged, which could cause the studio cameras to not function properly. Flat soled footwear is strongly advised in a studio in order to prevent possible damage to the cables as well as ensuring sensible movement across the studio. Unstable lighting could prove a risk as a set of lighting could fall, possibly causing harm to a crew member, as well as damaging the studio environment. Lighting could also blow, causing a possible fire risk as well as harming crew members.

In order to prevent these risks to the best of our ability from happening, it is necessary to assess the hazard, risk and action. The hazard is what could possibly go wrong, e.g. lighting falling from the grid, the risk is the likelihood of the hazard happening, helping the crew to determine which precautions to take, as well as the level of precaution. The action is what could be done by the crew to prevent the hazard from taking place, such as tucking stray camera cables against the studio wall, to prevent anyone tripping over or damaging them.

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